Amber Lounge — Going Green

We take our environmental responsibilities seriously at amber lounge which is why we're devoted to being a cleaner, greener, carbon neutral company.

Amber Lounge, are making more radical improvements and changes with suppliers and partners, in an attempt to reduce our carbon footprint and emissions as a company. With this in mind, moving forward we will be offering to all our clients the opportunity to select Eco-friendly services.

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We are currently re analyzing every material we use and where it comes from across Amber Lounge, Amber Hospitality and the newest company Amber Lifestyle. Amber Lounge, has always aimed to work respecting the concept of supporting a greener world for all. The global lockdown, due to COVID 19, has reinforced the importance of humanities immense impact on the natural world, subsequently we have reviewed our current Eco strategy and create an even greener Amber Lounge experience within our Race Weekends and lifestyle events.

Inter departmental Eco elements:

  • Lighting
  • Car Transfers
  • Straws
  • Napkins
  • Yacht Toiletries
  • Wristbands and flyers
  • Rain ponchos & Earplugs
  • Reusable & Recyclable products
  • Reduced flights
  • Sustainable packaging

The only benefit that that we have seen from COVID-19 is the positive impact on the environment. As people around the world have been forced to quarantine to prevent the spread of the virus, we continue to read of the positive impact that it is having on the environment. Pollution levels continue to decline.

Mitigating our environmental impact is something I feel very strongly about and I continue to guide my team in order to adapt to this way of working, if we all start to make small changes to our daily lives, this will benefit our planet for the greater good. This maybe the only positive thing to come out of the COVID 19 pandemic so let’s make the most of it!

— Sonia Irvine, CEO Amber Lounge